Thursday, August 28, 2008

The secrets of top managers

What makes you a good manager? Did you ever think of that? Is it something you were born with or something you learned in time? A recent study made by Gallup showed some interesting things. The study was made with 80.000 top managers from all around the world. The study has shown that they follow a certain pattern, even though they work in different parts of the world.

1) Top managers has to set the financial goal of the company but leaves the decision on how to reach those goals to the rest of the team

2) Top managers try to offer the employees new challenges. They try to make changes so people don’t get bored at the work place and as productive as they can.

3) The top manager has to understand each employee, to know what are they good at, and give them an assignment that matches their working profile.

In conclusion top managers have to understand people they work with and to stimulate them to reach their professional best at their work place.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to transform client complaints into a gold mine

Statistics have shown that one client out of four is not pleased with the services / product he receives from a company, at one point. The client that is unhappy usually complaints, in average, to another 12 people, that he didn’t like the service / product.

Also statistics has shown that only 5 % of the unhappy clients report to the company what they did not like. The other 95 % believe that if the notify the company about their problem nobody would care. In conclusion they chose to go to another company that would satisfy their problems. That is why you should always listen to the problems that your clients have. To earn a new client you will have to spend 8 times more than you would have spent to keep one client with the company.

You should ask yourself a couple of questions to anticipate your customers demands

1. How many steps should a customer take in order to get what he wants?

2. The front desk employees do whatever they can to resolve the customers needs?

3. Are they willing do go around the company system in order to resolve client problems without creating an obligation from the company?

4. The business procedures are made for the company or for the clients? In order to get answers to these questions you need to discuss with your front desk staff, they are the best people to ask about the customer’s problems.

Also you should try to make your customers complete surveys about your company. With all of that said, I wish you good luck!


Monday, August 25, 2008

How to get free publicity

Newspapers are always looking for hot new subjects or subjects with what they can fill their pages. They are looking for new products or services that are on the market, so if your company has a new product, you only have to send a press release to newspapers. There are big chances that they will publish an article about you.

Editors get a lot of requests daily from companies that want an article published about them, so the competition in very stiff. Here are some rules you should follow for your press release to be in pole position:

1. Make sure that your article has a lot of pictures with the product and what is the product good for, remember, a picture makes more than 1000 words.

2. Send your article to the magazines that your customers are likely to read. It’s very important that your future customers to learn about your product and to make them want it.

3. The article should de written by a person who has some experience with the press and has knowledge about how it should be written. Also he / she has to know about the product, to point out its best functions.

4. Insist on the qualities of the product. Try to point out as much good things as you can, and how it can improve our lifestyle, remember, people like to hear that.

With all that said, I wish you good luck!

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