Sunday, November 30, 2008

Make money from dirty toys | Business Ideas

Have you noticed that after a while you kids toys become all dirty. You don`t know how to clean them, and you can`t buy another toy because your child is emotionally attached to it. Usually a need becomes a good business idea.

Have you noticed that after a while you kids toys become all dirty. You don`t know how to clean them, and you can`t buy another toy because your child is emotionally attached to it. Usually a need becomes a good business idea.

That is why I come with a new service: cleaning kid’s toys. Either the toys come from household or from companies. You can set up a monthly fee for the companies and a price per toy for the households.

When I say companies a mean: kindergartens, medical cabinets for kids, kid stores, stomatology cabinets. They pay a monthly fee and your employees will get the toys and clean them back so other kids can enjoy them.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rent a bike | Business Ideas

With all the migration to the big cities, people are finding much harder to get from point A to point B without running late. The car is no longer an option because of the traffic congestions and the roads are not getting bigger. So if you are a tourist or just being late and the subway or the bus doesn`t help you get a bike. It`s a healthy and fast way to get around in a city.

This could be a very simple business. Let’s take for example Berlin. In the major intersections, there is a place from where you can rent bikes. The bikes are looked with a special locking mechanism that only opens after you pay a fee. The fee costs in sending a text message to the company and the company send you back a code that will unlock the bike. The price is 3, 5 euro (5 $) for an hour, is not much if you think how much easier you can go in traffic.

You return the bike, not necessarily from where you picked it up, but from anyplace you could find a company’s “rent a bike” center. The company has between 500 – 1500 clients daily, and the length of a rental is between 50 – 80 minutes.

So, what are you waiting for?


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free info kiosks for tourists | Business Ideas

A new business made for tourists, which will help them find landmarks more easily. If you live in a city that is regularly visited by tourists, you can make an arrangement with the local authorities to allow you to place info kiosks.

The concept is very simple; thru the touch-screen technology the tourists may find information about different places to visit, landmarks, restaurants, hotels, bars, events, concerts, the weather, buses and train schedule. The system shows contact information for these places, prices, a map of how to get there and even the buses you will have to take to make your journey easier.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Words, a powerful tool

Words are not just a way of communicating, there are instruments that can help you close a deal, or not. Good words used good times can get you a closing deal, but when you negotiate with someone, a wrong words can change the whole negotiation in a bad way.

That is why I have tried to make up a list of words that you should avoid when you are making a sell:

1. “Yes, but….” – You have to avoid this phrase because it produces a negative connotation in the buyers mind. Let’s say that you are trying to sell him an expensive TV set. The buyer will say that is has the same characteristics with a cheaper model. You CAN`T say “Yes. But it has a different start button” If you say this, than the buyer will understand that you agree with him that is expensive and don`t worth to spend money on it.

2. “We have a team of experts” - When a customer asks you something about the product and you don`t know the answer, don`t say that you have a team of experts that will contact him in a couple of days and explain everything to him. In 90% of the cases the customer doesn`t return to hear the experts explications.
3. “To be honest with you” – Bad expression used by many sales agents. When you talk to a client and in the middle of the dialog say “To be honest with you, I would …..”, that is practically saying that have lied to him until now. Until now you haven’t been honest, but now you are.

4. “I will try” – “I have tried, but it wasn`t possible” - This expression doesn`t bring much confidence to your customers. Have you ever heard a surgeon say “I will try to make the operation”? He inspires a lot of confidence in the eye of the relatives, doesn`t he?

5. “I am sorry” – This is a phrase that that is very used by sellers. Don`t use it. Try a different approach if you have made a mistake, like: “It`s a very unpleasant situation, let’s see what we can do to fix it”.


Automatic bike wash | Business Ideas

You could say that people would wash their bikes at home. I am not so sure of that. In our days people prefer to not get their hands dirty in any way, and prefer to do it as quickly as possible.

Bike wash, can bring you revenue of over 20.000 euro (27.000 $) per year. You could have this business as a secondary job or as a secondary business, that would fill your pockets with about 1500 (2000$) euro per month.

The system is automatic and works independent, like a vending machine, people put 3 euro (5 $) in a slot and then the system washes the bike. If you live in a city that has a lot of bikes, this could be a good business, around 20-30 people would use your bike wash. The system need just 30 minutes of maintenance a week and you will need to fill up the system with detergent once every 400 washes.


Friday, November 14, 2008

A sports gym for children | Business Ideas

A think this is a great business idea for parents who want their children to exercise, but not necessarily in a competitive way. You will need to hire specialized trainer for kids so they would not do wrong exercises. To find clients, you can advertise in kindergartens and schools, and you should not forget word of mouth, that could be very helpful.

You can combine the gym service, with after school service. Children can do their homework, let’s say 2 hours and exercise 30 minutes.

In this times when children prefer junk food, and not healthy food, I think that a gym would do well children, and parents will be happy.

source of photo


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A new business opportunity - Dating services for animals

Many people buy different animals and they don`t think on what responsibility this brings them, and what trouble they to put up to in order to mate them. If you have an animal you know how it is. When you wanted to find a partner for your animal, you couldn`t find one. I am sure that you have tried at your local vet and your friend and neighbrow, but no luck.

Basically it is a relatively simple business idea. You could create a web site or a local agency, where people who want to mate their animals could find their animals “soul mate”. I know it sounds weird, but it’s a low cost business that could bring you decent profits with minimum effort.

For each owner you make a sheet with the animal’s data, and then when a customer comes you have already a database. That database should contain the animal type, female or male, age, the dog owner’s address, the price he is asking. You could advertise in specialized magazines, in pet shops, in vetenerian cabinets.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Diet restaurant - Healty business | Business Ideas

At the moment, all around the world, people have weight problems, due to junk food, or simply because they don’t exercise any more, they don’t walk to work, they don’t take walk in the park. They all day sit at a desk, drive, watch TV and eat. Obesity is now a disease affecting millions of people all around the world. I have read an article about healthy fast foods; why not make a diet restaurant?? This restaurants target will be not only people who have weight problems, but people who have hart disease and different other illnesses and need to get on a diet.

Didn’t you feel strange when you went to a restaurant and you ordered stake and some of your friends aren’t allowed stake. This kind of business will need a substantial amount of money probably 100.000 - 500.000 depending on the location, employees, size and quality. It is basically a restaurant, so you have to run it like one; the only difference is the menu, specially made by a nutritionist.

This menu should has to have two parts, for people who wants to lose weight and for people who are not allowed to eat certain dishes. I think this kind of business will be a success and there will be plenty of customers. So, good luck!!!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

4 Golden rules to respect when you make a commercial

I have tried to point out some of the mistakes that some people tend to do when they are trying to make their first advertisement for their small business.

1. Don’t use you face – Don’t use your picture to promote the business, we know that you are a very important person, but let de advertising agency to find a model.

2. Don’t use pets - try to concentrate on the advantages that your product brings to the customer, don’t concentrate on what kind of dog appears in your commercial, Lets say that you are advertising in roof tiles, you want to use a pet for what? They are nice, but they don sell roof tiles (if you know what I mean)

3. Don’t try to copy other, and especially your competitors. Don’t make similar ads. The customer would not distinguish you from your competitors unless you come up with something new and innovative.

4. Don’t put your ad everywhere; you will spend your money for nothing. Try to understand that not everyone is interesting in your product, so instead of throwing money away, try to advertise in places where your future customers are. Let’s continue with the example of roof tiles. For that kind of product you should advertise in DIY stores or specialized magazines.


Chocolate, a delicious business | Business Ideas

Chocolate will always sell, because it`s too good to not eat it. Besides, it`s a medicine and can do good to your health. That is if we are talking about quality chocolate, not the one that is sold in retail chain stores that contains a lot of additives.

The chocolate that has a high percentage of additives in its composition has a low price and a low quality, but our advantage will be quality. The business that I propose is that to sell quality chocolate. We will sell chocolate that is made from traditional recipes in counties like Belgium, France and Switzerland . The only disadvantage of this business is that the chocolate must be transported in optimum conditions regarding temperature and that the chocolate must be consumed in 20 days (because of the natural ingredients, after 20 days the sweet taste becomes sour).

An investment in such a boutique will be around 50.000 $ and it could reach 100.000 $ depending on the suppliers, location and decorations. The profit margin for such products will be around 20-30 %.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Exotic animal pet-shop | Business Ideas

Today I want to propose you a niche business that is gaining new customers every day. I am talking about exotic animals (tarantulas, snakes, iguanas).

My business idea is that you make an exotic pet shop and not only to sell animals and food, but to make a mini hotel for owners to leave their animal while they go out of town, to sell medicine (if the animal gets sick) and to offer specialize help and consultation from a doctor if the animal is sick.

To make such a business you will need a couple more permits that the regular pet-shop. I am talking about permits that refer to safety in general, because you are dealing with some dangerous animals.

I wish you good luck!!!

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