Friday, August 21, 2009

Unconventional Advertising Agency | Business Ideas

Even though companies have reduces their promotional budgets, this is the perfect time to promote your business because in crisis periods, the best way to get out of it is marketing.

Unconventional ads can cost less than traditional ones and could have a bigger impact due to the fact that nobody done it before. Usually, the clients want to stand out in an unusual way, so to speak,

In a very good business idea because it forces you to think outside the box, to find new ways to promote different businesses, products or services. The best asset of your advertising company will be the employees, they will have the brilliant ideas that will help your company evolve.

I think that companies will start using unconventional ways to promote their businesses because they know that their consumers want something new.

You can put ads on toilet seats, in elevators, you can write on the sky, you can do whatever you want, you can advertise in places where no one has the courage to do it, BE DIFFERENT

Source of picture :


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Best Crisis Businesses

Even though the world economic doesn`t fell that well, and many companies go bankrupt, there are a couple of business industries that are still goign very well and some companies that bring their owners big profits.

So, i tried to put up a list for domains that are doing well even though we are in an economic crisis.

1. Collection agencies
Because many companies fell back with their payments, the creditors hire collection agencies to recover the money for them. This business is very profitable right now. But, I have to give you some advice, if you start your collector business now, hire experience personel in this domain so your company could extend more rapidly.

2. Management company

With all the businesses beeing in trouble, a management business with experience people could help businesses that are in dificulty move on and come back on it`s feet.

3. Repairing businesses

Because people don`t have so much money to spend on new stuff, they prefer to repair their broken stuff rather than replaicing them. An example for repairing or service business: computer service, auto service, shoe repairing.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Laser Shows - Business Ideas

In the last couple of year, laser shows have been a part of every concert and every entertainment show, they are now part of an entire industry, and it is a very profitable business.
You can do different things with lasers, you don`t have to stop at concerts or shows, you can do laser shows at private parties or for special occasions.

You want to impress your fiancé? Order a laser projection with her name on the club ceiling where you celebrate your engagement.

You want people to see in the range of a couple of miles that you are the sponsor of en event? Easy, just order a laser projection and on the sky will appear your company logo.

What are the advantages of the business

1. The equipment, the software and the expertise can be provided by a specialized company, so it wont be hard to start such e business even thought you are not an expert in this field.

2. The equipment is light and easy to transport to every location and it runs from a 220v source, so you can run your business using just one van.

3. Your business should take of instantly because if you participate at one or two event, thought word of mouth you will become known in the industry.

4. If you don`t use the equipment, your business profits wont have to suffer because you can just rent the equipment, without your expertise.

Business Profits

Just one light show can put into your pockets between 3.000 and 10.000$, depending on the duration and complexity. You also can rent just the equipment, in this case the fee is about 600 $ / day. For private events like I presented earlier you can charge between 200 – 1.000$.

Good Luck!!!!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Food business with a twist -- Business ideas

Everyone eats, that is a fact. With globalization, people often travel all around the world to learn about different cultures and habits. Now, what if you bring the culture to them. Make a store that sells food from different parts of the world. I don`t mean a restaurant, i was thinking a store that sells cookies, pastry, different foods from all over the world. I think this type of business will be a success especially in you live in a city visited often by tourists. All you have to do is to find recipes that are easy to make, recipes from all over the world.

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