Thursday, January 8, 2009

Growing Crawfish | Business Ideas

Is the growing crawfish a good business? It surtenly is a very profitable business. On the european market fresh crawfish is traded with about 12 – 17 $ / kilogram, and frozen crawfish with about 7 $ / kilogram. The demand is much grater than the offer, especially on european markets.

You would not need sofisticated equipment to help you grow the crawfish, and their diet is made out of food, with very low economic value. The only condition is to provide them o good habitat climat.

For this business to work, you will have to have some specialists near you, so they could help you in the beginning, with the habitat and the texture of the soil. The place where you want to place your farm, has to be near a water source and in an area that has a positive temperature. Crawfish don`t like cold winters.

The initial investment in such a business can start from 50.000 $ and it could reach 150.000 $ depending on the surface of the farm, the equipment used and the number of employees you will want to have


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Indoor playground for children | Business Ideas

In our days even children that have 3-4 years learn to play on the computer before they learn how to play with other children. In the computer era, it is good to help our children relax in other ways, not just playing all day on the computer. In this way we give them another type of entertainment besides computer games.

Today I have decided to present to you a business that is developing very fast all over the world. The business that I am referring is the indoor playground for children.

Parents come with their children at the playground and for a small fee; their kid could play with other children, with toys, with inflatable toys. The staff could organize contests between children and fun games.

While they wait parents could serve a drink at the tables specially arranged for them.

Also to boost your income level, so that your business becomes more profitable, you could also sell a couple of models of toys and you could organize parties for children.

The costs of opening such a business can vary from 20.000 $ - 100.000 $. The price range is so big because is depending on the location, the designs, the decors, the size of the place, the rent level (if you do not own the space).

To make the business known you would not have to make big investments because you should count on the “word-of-mouth” method. You could also distribute flyers to the neighborhood kindergartens so parents could study your offer. And last but not least, a web sites, its cheap but it gives a lot of benefits to the business.

I wish you good luck!!

source of photo:


Friday, January 2, 2009

The winners and losers of the economic crisis

Massive staff cuts, production interruptions, budget cut offs and rethinking of future strategies. These are just some of the headlines of the economic crisis that we are facing at the moment. We all have do deal with one of the crisis problems at one point, some of us did and some of us will, it’s just a matter of time.

With this article I want to present to you business opportunities, domains that are not suffering because of the crisis. And business domains that collapsed and in the next couple of years we won’t see a comeback.

So, let’s start with the businesses that are doing pretty well in this period:

Entertainment - This industry was not hit as hard as it was thought. Here we can talk here about pubs, fast foods, movies, coffee shops. Because of all the bad news about the crisis and wars at TV people prefer to go and relax with friends at a coffee shop or at a movie. Also people can’t afford now to go to medium or high class restaurants so they prefer fast foods.

Business Consultancy - Especially juridical. It’s a domain that makes good profits during the crisis. Because of the economical conjuncture, litigations appear between business partners and they need juridical consultancy to pass over these problems.

Online businesses – This type of businesses doesn’t seem to be very affected by the crisis. They have two major advantages: they keep their costs to a minimum and they represent the future in commerce so customers prefer these types of shops.

Luxury - Planes, diamonds, expensive cars. In some parts of the word these luxury items are sold better than ever. All luxury clothing sold better this year. All the brads reported increases in sales and profits.

Now we move onto the loser’s category:

Real estate - It totally collapsed no good news. Financing is hard to get and no one buys anything any more.

Auto Industry - Sales dropped by half. GM reported a drop with 45 % of sales on the American market. Renault fired over 6000 employees in this period. Porsche announced a drop by 39 % of sales. So, I would not suggest starting a business complementary to the auto industry. Maybe just car service could have some success because people will need service to their old cars in the conditions that they are not buying new ones.

Start-ups - in any domain you want to start a new business it will be very hard to find financing, banks are very exigent at the moment.

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