Thursday, January 8, 2009

Growing Crawfish | Business Ideas

Is the growing crawfish a good business? It surtenly is a very profitable business. On the european market fresh crawfish is traded with about 12 – 17 $ / kilogram, and frozen crawfish with about 7 $ / kilogram. The demand is much grater than the offer, especially on european markets.

You would not need sofisticated equipment to help you grow the crawfish, and their diet is made out of food, with very low economic value. The only condition is to provide them o good habitat climat.

For this business to work, you will have to have some specialists near you, so they could help you in the beginning, with the habitat and the texture of the soil. The place where you want to place your farm, has to be near a water source and in an area that has a positive temperature. Crawfish don`t like cold winters.

The initial investment in such a business can start from 50.000 $ and it could reach 150.000 $ depending on the surface of the farm, the equipment used and the number of employees you will want to have


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